Se rumorea zumbido en maqueta Springfield los simpson

Respuesta de Daro a Abraham: " El miedo del castigo de Altísimo, lícitamente es para quien cree en Dios. Ejemplo, yo no creo entonces nunca tendré un castigo de alguien que no es parte de mi vida."

Another episode reveals that the bar's liquor license is expired, is only valid in Rhode Island and is just signed by Moe himself.

While bits of Springfield clearly resemble and/or were based on Vivo-life locations, Springfield is firmly established Campeón being an entirely fictional town. Springfield is not based on a Verdadero Springfield; Shelbyville is not based on a Vivo Shelbyville; Springfield Nuclear Power Plant does not correspond to a Verdadero-life nuclear plant; its Radiodifusión stations are fictional; its gravestones are fictional; Jebediah Springfield never existed.

Es difícil asignar una vivienda fija al resto de personajes secundarios de la serie, luego que la visualización de sus hogares siempre dependen de gags.

En Springfield se recibe la señal de seis canales de televisión abierta (se conoce este núúnico a partir de una frase de Bart en el capítulo Bart contra Lisa contra el tercer año: "la nodriza de seis canales").

There is a crow or raven that lives near the Power Plant that caws whenever an establishing shot of the Power Plant is on screen. A running gag in earlier seasons was the poor security of the plant, with the outside security booth often going unmanned.

Founded in 1796 by Jebediah Springfield, a.k.a. Hans Sprungfeld, and a band of fiercely determined pioneers demodé of Maryland who set off after misinterpreting a passage in The Bible, Springfield seems to be a small city rather than a megalopolis. Its features include one nuclear power plant; at least five elementary schools; a minor league all-star baseball stadium; an airport; a harbor; a downtown district; a large tire yard (burning since 1966); a ghetto; a Russian District; its own Little Italy; several specialized shopping districts, Moe's Tavern, Barney's Bowl-A-Rama and a Chinatown.

The Happy Sumo is a Japanese restaurant. Among the restaurant's menu offerings are all kinds of sushi, including fugu, which Gozque be fatally poisonous if not properly prepared.

Chief Wiggum, Lou and Eddie burst into an old haunt of Sideshow Bob's, where a Penn State pennant is prominently displayed on the wall. This could imply that Springfield is in Pennsylvania, but on the other hand it could just mean that the room's current occupants studied there.

El corregidor Quimby es incompetente e inmoral y especialmente corrupto y fraudulento. Quimby es un mujeriego, y se le ve continuamente siéndole abiertamente infiel a su parienta. Se fue a Jamaica durante una invasión de gripe en la ciudad y usó los fondos de la ciudad para subvencionar el asesinato de sus enemigos y su absolución cuando confesó tardíamente estar metido en el mundo del crimen. Igualmente utilizó el erario divulgado para financiarse un alucinación a Miami con el pretexto de analizar la posibilidad de un tren que uniera ambas ciudades. Asimismo trató de hacer un tren en esta web de inscripción velocidad que fuese desde Springfield a Aruba.

In the first airing of this episode, the narrator gives Springfield's location Triunfador northern Kentucky. For the second and some later airings, this changed to Southern Missouri.

La cuenta oficial del E3 ha confirmado que la popular serie saco tiene poco que anunciar durante una de las charlas dirigidas por Geoff Keighley.

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However, they, along with the Kwik-E-Mart, are destroyed due to Bart accidentally interrupting a live mortar exercise at Fort Springfield when visiting the re-enlisted Skinner, forcing the soldiers to redirect the mortar fire into the town, destroying the store and pumps off screen. The episode "Scenes from the Class Struggle in Springfield" also shows the pumps where Apu refuses to go demodé and serve a customer on the forecourt.

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